Wow, what a complicated tag! For those who don't know what is rhinotillexomania, rhinotillexomania is actually refer to nose-picking (rhino=nose, tillexis=habit of picking at something, mania=obsession with something).
Yes, of course.
Do you think that nose-picking is common in adults?
How often do you pick your nose? (daily, weekly, monthly)
How much time do you spend nose-picking?
Huh? Don't really count the time...
Why do you do it (Unclog the nasal passages, to relieve discomfort or itchiness, to avoid the unsightly appearance of a hanging from my nose, personal hygiene, out of habit)?
All the reason above unless habit.
Which finger do you use?
Tissue or wash away by water because I normally do that in toilet.
By the way, how to clean baby's nose? I tried this before and I felt that it's quite safe and effective... Use a cotton bud or fold a tissue paper into a little triangle, wet it with warm water and gently swirl it around the nostril, then the boogies will come out easily.
Once Miracle had flu, a friend actually sucked out Miracle's boogies with her mouth. Never dared to try it though.
Suzanne Mung said that, actually.
I haven't tried it, but I think you can try it and gimme some feedback.
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