Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rhinotillexomania Tag

Wow, what a complicated tag! For those who don't know what is rhinotillexomania, rhinotillexomania is actually refer to nose-picking (rhino=nose, tillexis=habit of picking at something, mania=obsession with something).

Have you ever picked your nose?
Yes, of course.

Do you think that nose-picking is common in adults?

How often do you pick your nose? (daily, weekly, monthly)

How much time do you spend nose-picking?
Huh? Don't really count the time...

Why do you do it (Unclog the nasal passages, to relieve discomfort or itchiness, to avoid the unsightly appearance of a hanging from my nose, personal hygiene, out of habit)?
All the reason above unless habit.

Which finger do you use?

How do you dispose of the goop? (tissue, hanky, floor, stuck it to furniture, eat)
Tissue or wash away by water because I normally do that in toilet.

Ezra don't like people to clean his nose. So I normally clean his nose when I feed him milk or when he's sleeping.

By the way, how to clean baby's nose? I tried this before and I felt that it's quite safe and effective... Use a cotton bud or fold a tissue paper into a little triangle, wet it with warm water and gently swirl it around the nostril, then the boogies will come out easily.


mitmit said...

Once Miracle had flu, a friend actually sucked out Miracle's boogies with her mouth. Never dared to try it though.

mitmit said...

Suzanne Mung said that, actually.

I haven't tried it, but I think you can try it and gimme some feedback.